Hasty Ruminations

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Monday, July 10, 2006


Patience, dear reader. I am making steady progress on the Family History, Part Two, concerning my Dad's family.

Meanwhile, if you are chafing at the bit, might I suggest a short trip to Paramount's King's Island near Cincinnatti? Their mega roller coaster, Son of Beast, has much shorter waiting lines now, since 27 people were injured on it over the weekend. Witnesses saw the roller coaster make "an abrupt stop", injuring the riders' necks and chests.

When an airliner makes "an abrupt stop", we call it a crash.


  • At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No stinkin' way you'll see me on that thing!

  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger kenju said…

    I'm with Wordnerd! The last time I rode a coaster like that was in the old "Coney Island" in Cincinnati. I almost lost my entire insides that day (1960) and it will never happen again!


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